How was the study done?
An online survey was sent to 1,600 adopted adults through a PAC-UK mailing list, as well as advertised on the social media platforms Facebook and Twitter. 392 adult adoptees completed the survey.
Most (90%) of respondents were over the age of 35, with 64% over 50. There was an approximate 3:1 female/male gender split, with <1% (2) non-binary respondents, and 3% (7) preferring not to say. 79% identified as Heterosexual, 5% Gay or Lesbian, 7% Bisexual, 1% Other, and 7% preferring not to say.
Over two-thirds (69%) were White British, 8% White Irish, 7% White other, and the remainder (16%) were of various ethnicities, including Black, Asian, Chinese, and White Gypsy or Irish Traveller.
The survey requested open responses to the question below; analysing these qualitative comments (made by 231 respondents) is the focus of this briefing. “This year, the theme for National Adoption Week is about maintaining relationships with birth family after adoption. What are your most important priorities around this?”
The survey also asked respondents to tick to indicate if they were interested in the range of free services: adopted people’s groups (online and in-person); adopted people’s Facebook group (moderated by PAC-UK). People were also asked whether they would be interested in therapeutic counselling (if free) and therapeutic counselling (paid for).
Respondents were also asked to indicate whether they would be interested in being part of a PAC-UK service user steering group and/or occasional focus groups.