Words Matter: Trauma Sensitive Language with Children Resource

Words Matter Trauma Sensitive Language with Children ( PDF, 235.69 KB)

Negatively charged language

Disrespectful and rude

Defiant and ignorant


Risk taking

Aggressive and oppositional


Preferable language✓ Distressed 
✓ Afraid 
✓ Frustrated 
✓ Testing relationship
✓ Seeking safety 
✓ Resourceful 
✓ Self-soothing
✓ Distressed 
✓ Afraid 
✓ Over-stimulate
✓ Afraid 
✓ Anxious 
✓ Shutdown 
✓ Seeking control 
✓ Testing relationship
✓ Distressed 
✓ Ashamed 
✓ Lacking confidence 
✓ Afraid 
✓ Anxious 
✓ Unhappy
✓ Seeking belonging 
✓ Afraid 
✓ Fear of loneliness 
✓ Self-protection 
✓ Limit testing