Being your best self when Staying in Touch*
Remember to care for yourself so time spent with your child can be as positive as possible
* Staying in Touch is the preferred term for the meet-ups or other communications that adopted children have with members of their birth family / significant others.
Ask for help |
Self-awareness |
Self-care and healing |
Create an action plan |
Notice and celebrate successes |
Make small goals |
Check in with your feelings as Staying in Touch times approach and after them
Ask yourself:
What helps me feel grounded and stable?
What makes me feel out of control?
What helps me show my child they are loved?
What do others notice when I am doing well?
What can I do to make the meet up or communication good?
Know your limits and your triggers
Notice and accept the feelings that come up
Have some games and activities up your sleeve
Pack some healthy snacks
Things to remember
- Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to time together.
- Do something nice for yourself or arrange to speak to someone after a visit to prevent a downward spiral.
- Have some strategies in mind for when you are finding things hard.
What if I am not feeling okay?
Ask to have a phone or video visit instead this time if a planned meeting feels too hard
Talk to people involved in the Staying in Touch services about your feelings so they don’t misunderstand why you might be finding it hard to meet or communicate.
Things to remember:
- Give as much notice as possible if you need to cancel a meet-up or call and suggest an alternative so your child knows you want to keep in touch with them.
- If you continue to struggle with the agreed ways to stay in touch (including Letterbox), get professional help and support to work out a way to get communication back on track.
- The hard moments will pass.